+Timos Papagatsias

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Template: Comparison of sales for up to five competitors

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I hope you will find the template below useful; it allows you to compare up to five  pharmaceutical products in terms of sales/profits over a period of time.

Calculation of threat from generics is also feasible and useful in guiding assumptions around the growth of the product over time.

Competitor vs Competitor template (follow the link and then go to "File --> Download"; it is an .xlsx file).

You can modify the template as you wish and use it for other applications of course; let me know of any comments/suggestions.


Website Update

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Having been very busy in the last two-three months I have now found some time to update BioHive:

  • Modification of the Biofinance section of the website with addition of "In focus" (current opinions and news - still "Under Development"), "Companies I follow" (self explanatory - still "Under Development")  and "Resources" pages
  • Some minor aesthetic changes in the Home page of the website